It's hard to know whom to believe...about what "life" means, what is important...in the end, the truth is, that no one really knows anything. Except one's own core truths. About what speaks to THEM. We are all just trying to figure it out. And we need to. For ourselves. There's so much judgment going on every day, person judging person, and we all do know, deep down, that judging another is really just pure folly. It doesn't work. The other day I was talking to Marion, she was telling me that I am the classic "orphan archetype"...she had mentioned that to me before...and, it just sat there, finding a place from which I could, when the time was right, really feel what that meant. And like an old car battery around which the acid may have expelled and hardened, not allowing the car to start, I needed to soften it, chip away at it, to get my power (back). Having often felt like a pinball in a game where I was just bouncing about, sometimes actually hitting on some big games, yet too often falling into the "Game Over" slot, I want to be the Player, not the ball. To feel in charge. Yet I generally empowered others (whether they knew it or not) to write my rules, to set my standards, to be MY power source. It didn't, and doesn't work. At least for me. And probably for most of us. Maybe all of us. It is, as Marion said to me, an "inside job." Ours to determine - our rules, our notions, our life. And, how we feel about it. We can run from it, or embrace it. Sometimes run from it AND embrace it. All I have come to realize, is that it's ours.
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