As America seems to be burning before our eyes, the foundations of what so many have come to believe in melting on a daily basis, as the news reports incessantly pummel people's psyches with not only "bad news" but fear on all levels, I am having, without question, one of the greatest experiences of my life...I am feeling incredibly fortunate, and grateful, to be able to have these days on the road, to focus in on the wonder of this opportunity and to be touched each day by the passion of America's youth, their hopes and dreams and fears and concerns...and, to so many, they do not see those hopes and dreams becoming closer, and clearer, through the front windshield...they wonder if those desires and intentions are actually somehow receding somehow in the rear view mirror...what is real, they ask, and what is an illusion? Or, is it that "Objects in the rear view mirror may be closer than they appear"? Clearly, time will tell as their personal stories, their life experiences and the future of this country unfold...
It is quite extraordinary that we are here, in the heartland, right on the heels of the deluge of recent events, from the Wall Street meltdown to the end of the Presidential debates...so, for ALL of these young people, the issues are front and center and immediate and more real than they could ever have expected...life seems to be moving so fast for them. And, for me, particularly as the parent of two teenagers, it saddens me that youthful passion and exuberance and hope and spirit is, quite naturally, so tempered by what is going on in the world right now...fear has made a more than usual visit into all of their lives. And, it has occurred to us that the economic crisis in this world is surely fueling what appears to be Obama's passionate and overwhelming appeal to the youth voters...yes, we have spoken to McCain supporters, we have even sought more out...and, young people OVERWHELMINGLY appear to be committed to Obama...and, if they are telling the truth, and in deed the ones who say they are registered really are...and, if the ones who say they are voting really do (which is - literally - 100% of the students we've talked to), then this election should have an incredibly large turnout...it seems to bode well for Obama...
Someone asked me yesterday what are the things that I am most struck by, as we spend time with, and talk to, kids (kids?), this millenial generation, on the road...on campuses...in the streets...I would say that the primary thought is how incredibly thoughtful and informed most of them are...not only aware, they are deeply immersed in what is going on, so much more so than I would have thought...engaging with them spontaneously energizes me beyond words, gives me hope that we can shift the priorities of this country. Another thing that strikes me so profoundly is the focus that they have on the economic issues facing them and all of us...the Iraq War is huge, health care, etc., all play a part...and, economics - from the cost of student loans, to education expenses to their having to quite clearly pay the "price" for the bailout and the war and social security andandand is what is so present on their minds...it is the Big Kahuna, and not the Pink Elephant as everyone is talking about it...and, so touchingly, many talk about how they worry about how the economic issues affect their parents, and their parents' well-being and future...how their parents can't relax as they had hoped...and, of course, so many worried about themselves and their future EXCLUSIVELY...makes total sense......they seem to get it...
We were at Penn State last evening for Homecoming, the Parade was incredible, unlike nothing I have ever witnessed (other than the Rose Bowl Parade 20 years ago)...the school spirit, the floats, the small town love...we are back today, tailgating before the Michigan-Penn State game, the energy should be wild...
Thank you to all who have encouraged me to write about this road trip, and who have been so supportive of me doing this and the nature of the work we are all doing together...in a simple way, it does feel like we are doing "god's work", connecting deeply with kids and reinforcing the deep rotted feeling that WE all have (even if they don't) that their voices and opinions matter...that their vote counts, as much as their parents and their grandparents...they seem to get it...I have so many stories from the last few days, kids who touched me especially...I had hoped to get this up sooner, so I will keep posting as they strike me and inspire me...we had a great time in North Carolina, my compatriots on this bus are a wonderful group, we have developed a great camaraderie...I haven't spent more than a week straight with ANYONE other than my kids, in the last 10 years, so it's been very cool just experiencing multihuman dynamics....more about everyone later...
With gratitude,
Jonathan, you are fighting the good fight and there is no one better I can think of to be at the helm- you give me hope in the ideals that I was beginning to lose faith in, you give resurgence to the power that one person holds to ignite a much needed flame, that, clearly, spreads faster than any one of us remembered to be possible... don't eat too much junk food on this grand and so important road trip of yours... there with you in spirit.
well well well .. sounds so fantastic, v empowering.This is kinda Historical ... something you will always remember as one of your amazing life experiences.Want to know even more about it when you get back.Hope you are taking lots of pictures.
You are making a change with the people of America who matter the most.
Thinking of you, cheering you all on.
Your fan club thanks you for being there for those of us who can't be!
It's comforting to know that the young adults of this country are committed to being part of the process!
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