Sunday, January 31, 2010


"Many years ago, as a result of a strong inner impulse, I walked out of an academic career that the world would have called "promising," stepping into complete uncertainty; and out of that, after several years, emerged my new incarnation as a spiritual teacher. Much later, something similar happened again. The impulse came to give up my home in England and move to the West Coast of North America. I obeyed the impulse, although I didn't know the reason for it. Out of that move into uncertainty came The Power of Now, most of which was written in California and British Columbia while I didn't have a home of my own. I had virtually no income and lived on my savings, which were quickly running out. In fact everything fell into place beautifully. I ran out of money just as I was getting close to finish writing. I bought a lottery ticket and won $1,000, which kept me going for another month."

-Eckhart Tolle, "A New Earth"

As I ran out of the apartment yesterday, I grabbed my copy of A New Earth for the subway ride uptown. I've read it through once, and portions of it many times. Tolle speaks to me, in this book, in ways that no author ever has...he synthesizes concepts, puts a framework around feelings, and notions, that cut to my emotional core. I can, and did, read/hear "be in the moment" or "be here now" or "there is no such thing as the past or future" a million times, and even read portions of The Power of Now, before finding my way to A New Earth for the first time. And, suddenly, it all made sense in a way, in a specific moment, that - literally - took my breath away. It's more than simply that when the student's ready, the teacher shows up. It is his wisdom, his simplicity, that suddenly creeped into my soul, that infiltrated my core. It's not that I live every moment, in those moments. It's still somewhat of a new musculature for me. What is most profound is that, for the first time in my life, I realize that I CAN. And that is a beautiful thing.

And, I digress (wow, how unusual!)...the reason I specifically was drawn to A New Earth yesterday was that lately I have been thinking so much about - actually deeply feeling - what it is to find, or have, or live, one's "life purpose." Something that was just a faraway concept, or merely words, in the not too distant past. And, I realize, a notion that has been percolating within me seemingly forever. Without a framework around what it is, it is, in part, what drove me away from practicing law. And, being married, at least in that dynamic, or to someone I felt never "believed" in anything. In that faith (not religious) kind of way. Faith as the oppositional teammate of fear. I used to feel these guttural movements inside me, these feelings that I couldn't shake, nor could I concretely identify them. In some rare moments, all I could think of when I was lawyering was that I didn't feel like I was doing anything meaningful with my life, that something had to get out. Yes, I was providing a "service," but not one that resonated with me. A service that one could get anywhere. Work that was not using much of my (crying) heart and (waiting to burst) soul. Mix that with being in a relationship with someone where clearly the dynamic was not one of mutual support, and I had my own prescription for disaster. Certainly not one that was unique to me, yet that notion of aloneness could not be shaken. So, somehow, that knowing that there HAD TO BE another way, of living, of being, wouldn't shut up, wouldn't let me go. What was that? The same still, small voices that spoke to me at 8, on the stoop, when my mom was upstairs depressed and sick? Probably. God? Angels? Spirit guides? I certainly have no idea. And, instead of ignoring that feeling that was searing my insides, I felt like, truly, I had no other choice but to head out, and not only save my life, but my kids' lives as teach them also about choices, and aiming high, and being true to oneself, and to see that the seeking joy, even more than "happiness", even if the destination is unknown, was worth the effort. And, to, as a biproduct, to try and put an end to the generations-old paradigm that seemed to befall so many, if not all, of the men on both sides of my family, who kind of just gave away their power, and subsumed who they were, or at least could be,
to the wishes of others. It wasn't an external torch I was carrying, it surely was not THE motivational force, yet on some level I knew that if not me, then who. Who was going to live a life of intention, and not purely of obligation, a vision born from the inside-out, not the outside-in.

So that guy, that father and guilt-ridden son, and yes, that man-in-training even in his 40's, who X never thought would actually have the balls or strength to actually walk away, particularly when looked upon by others as an abandoner, set-out on that road that was not only less traveled, I had no flashlight or walking shoes or known tools of the trade, or surely any guide to ask. Just an openness to put one foot in front of the other and (try and) follow the light. Even if it was fleeting, or flickering, or ended up being a mirage. Because on this roadtrip, one falls down alot, or gets in fender benders or larger crashes. And, it's not always easy to have the perspective to not see ANY of it as "mistakes." And, it's pretty obvious why Tolle's personal experience above resonates with me so profoundly. Because, it was exactly that impulse, that intuitive feeling inside, that voice from within that wouldn't allow anything else (even understanding the as-yet consequences that my actions would have on my beloved kids - regardless of whether my choice would, I envisioned, ultimately be better for them) to even be an option, once my heart and soul and spirit opened up and listened. Really listened to what was true. For me. That willingness to live in the unknown was, and remains, so key, every day. That faith and trust in what truly is a sense of being guided by something OTHER than one's brain, the player of all those "tapes" and voices that look at why not, instead of being connected to one's core. And, 11 years later, it surely has not been easy, and it's impossible to know if I HAD known the challenges of the journey, would I have done it. Yet living here, now, I can without a doubt say that it has been the most extraordinary path of growth, and opening and faith, even at those more than a few dark nights of the soul. Because, for the first time in my life, who I am, and what I am doing does seem to be in a rhythmic dance, the music and the lyrics working together in a way that, while not always in synch by any means, certainly makes for more harmony and love and openness, inside me, and projected outward, than I have ever been able to experience. And, the irony isn't lost on me that while in so many ways I have so much "less" of the stuff, certainly less than I have ever had before, I have never had more of what I can finally identify as what really fuels me, or felt more confident, or creative, or powerful, or faithful. I can't explain it. I just know that I want to keep doing it - being it - on purpose.

Monday, good to me...(John Phillips)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate,
A poet, a pawn and a king.
I've been up and down and over and out
And I know one thing:
Each time I find myself, flat on my face,
I pick myself up and get back in the race.

That's life
I tell ya, I can't deny it
I thought of quitting baby,
By my heart just ain't gonna buy it.
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try,
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly.

-Old Blue Eyes..."That's Life"

Ever since I started to go to Romemu ( a few years ago, I often find myself walking down streets singing....actually, in most cases, it's chanting more than singing...the amazing melodies that get reignited each Friday night, that plug into my soul, that connect me with parts of me that I am still exploring. The other day, though, there I was channeling Frank with the chorus of "That's Life", the words following me home until I looked up the lyrics, I needed to see them. Read them...all of them. And, while that chorus is what is embedded in me from the car radio as a kid, I could have pasted any snippet here, because ALL of that song so rings true. Because in addition to being about a personal truth, it's beyond that and even the general human condition. Frank, and anyone else crooning these words, is singing about faith, plain and simple. A faith that is, as I look out at the state of my fellow (wo)man, more essential, and more craved, and also often more challenged, by more people than I can ever remember, certainly even more than when I posted my last entry here, on the heels of Obama's election 14 months ago. And hearing him last night in the State of the Union address, I did feel somewhat re-connected to his humanity, his vulnerability, his attempt at honesty in the midst of a political paradigm that is so adverse to real transformation. So, I am re-inspired to write. Not just in my black books as I do every day, but here. For whatever reasons, both internal and externally driven, they may be. It's been too long.

My friend, Marilyn Horowitz (, posed on her blog, and on Facebook, the question to writers about why they write, and so many of the people who responded answered, in some form or another, because they have to. And, I feel the same way. It took me a lifetime to finally call myself a "writer", as opposed to someone who writes. As if I was waiting to have someone grant me a degree, or provide some validation. So, regardless of whatever talent I may have, or whether I get paid for it, writing is now way beyond what I do, it's who I am. From the deepest parts in me, from my most open, and most questioning and most hopeful places inside. And as friends and colleagues have consistently nudged and encouraged me to do so, and while I knew that I had things to share, that others seemingly wanted to know and hear about, and while my book proposal laid there for too long, vibrating every day and waiting for the rewrite, I hadn't really thought about my "why". What really moves me to do it, to expose those parts of me, as I do. And, I guess it is, at its core, about making sense of life, not just mine, but my connection with others, with the universe, my relationship with that "OneNess" that connects us all. And in fighting what occasionally feels to me must be (although may not be) a somewhat narcissistic motivation that sparks that need to write, I really do know that the greater part is to inspire, to open others, to all of what burns, or at least flickers, inside them. Us. That by me looking at the synchronicities and serendipities and daily circumstances that show up every day, and/or whether I am looking at parenting or childing, or love or work, creativity or loss, sadness or passion, sex or sensibility, or regardless of whether I can only see my own smallness, or have the opportunity to be moved by someone else's bigness, I know that by shining a light in the often darker corners, I am holding a mirror up to me, and hopefully for others. To support, and inspire, each other, to plug into the best parts of what we have to offer, to ourselves and those with whom we engage. India.Arie reminds me that "Strength, Courage and Wisdom", are certainly some of my elemental needs and aspirations, and I know that I need constant reminders and nurturing to stay faithful.

So, I hope that you will engage with me, and pass this on to anyone who you think may want a dose of whatever I am, and will be, doing here. The more we connect the dots, the more available we become to ourselves, and each other.

Peace, JP